%A Michelle de Jonge %T DO TOURISTS’ VALUE URBAN GREEN SPACE? %L theses_frw3578 %X In order to indicate to what extent urban green space is valuable to tourists, this study provides an overview of the effect of urban green space on the rental price of Airbnb accommodations in Amsterdam. As a first step, using ArcGIS, the distance between Airbnb accommodations and urban green space is measured. This measurement only includes attractive urban green space. Urban green space is particularly appreciated by residents which is possibly similar for tourists. Subsequently, to see how tourists appereciate these attractive green spaces, the hedonic price model was used to estimate and evaluate the effect of attractive urban green space on 7,770 Airbnb accommodations in Amsterdam. The findings indicate that the rental price of Airbnb accommodations increase with 6.92 percent for properties located within 0.25 km. The estimated price effect decays with distance from attractive urban green space and is negligible for Airbnb accommodations located further than 1 km away. The findings of this study may inform policy makers about the value of attractive urban green space for tourists, which can be considered in future policy making to counteract potential competition for attractive urban green space by both residents and tourists. %D 2021