@unpublished{theses_frw3582, year = {2021}, title = {Mega-event heritage revitalization?s effect on tourist flows: A density-based clustering analysis of the 2008 European Capital of Culture?s effect on Albert Docks Conservation Area, Liverpool}, author = {Anthony Simpatico}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3582/}, abstract = {Cities hosting megaevents often aim to reinvent their image and attract tourists by developing cultural offerings and creating a brand around the city?s cultural heritage. Targeted investments in key areas can lead to revitalization on a city-wide scale. This paper studies how Liverpool?s 2008 European Capital of Culture development influenced tourism within the Albert Docks Conservation Area, using geotagged photos available from Flickr between the years 2006-2018 to proxy tourist movement patterns. The researcher used a density-based clustering method to reveal likely tourist hotspots in the area. The paper attempts to link these hotspots to Liverpool?s cultural tourism goals related to the event. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that elements of Liverpool's tourism efforts in the Albert Docks Conservation Area succeeded post-2008, and that cultural offerings in the area were popular among tourists.} }