%X The informal settlement is much understood from its slum-like physical characteristics and obscured tenure status, making it one of the complex issues to address in many Global South cities. Moving away from spatiality and tenure perspective, this research aims to explore how the conflict of interests among stakeholders influences the governance of informal settlement in Jakarta at the multilevel praxis, which analyzed from the stakeholders involved at the level of public policy (top-down) and grassroots initiative (bottom-up). Through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders involved in the governance of kampungs, this research found that conflict of interests occurs at every level of stakeholder participation. As a result, the multilevel governance of kampungs in Jakarta becomes fragmented and contested between formal and informal modes of conduct, thus hindering the policymakers and grassroots initiatives to foster collaboration towards the already-complex issues of kampungs as informal settlements in Jakarta. %D 2021 %L theses_frw3592 %A Angelika Rusdy %T Conflict of interests in the Multilevel Governance of Informal Settlements: Jakarta’s Urban Kampungs