%T The influence of the boundary spanner on participation within Green Infrastructure projects in the Netherlands %A Diede Osinga %L theses_frw3596 %D 2021 %X Green Infrastructure is an initiative from the European Commission, the definition of Green Infrastructure can be quite diffused. Generally, Green Infrastructure is seen as strategic planning of networks using nature-based solutions for green and blue spaces and provides a wide array of ecosystem services. Green Infrastructure ranges from green roofs and walls, to trees and hedgerows, private gardens, vegetated parks, biofiltration swales, ponds, canals and other water bodies. Within participation five categories are distinguished, inform, consult, advise, coproduce and weigh in. Four different boundary spanner roles are mentioned, the fixer, bridger, broker and innovator. The boundary spanner roles can be connected to participation through their activities, such as networking, establishing cross-boundary endeavors and facilitating dialogues and discussions across boundaries. Currently, there are multiple programs and platforms in place promoting and stimulating Green Infrastructure in the Netherlands. Nowadays there are high ambitions, however, the level of implemented green often turns out lower than determined. Numerous factors play a part in this, most important are financing and topographic illness. Participation differs among citizens and municipalities. A recent development is the active role of the ministry of VWS, which now wants to participate in establishing a green living environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has sped up the urgency for green spaces. While the construction challenge is putting pressure on the development of green areas. The main roles of boundary spanners within planning and implementation are the broker and bridger, establishing cross-boundary networks of actors. Contributing positively to the highest levels of participation and help to overcome the challenge of topographic illness by promoting and encouraging an integrated approach within Green Infrastructure projects.