@unpublished{theses_frw3617, title = {A corridor-wide, multi-criteria assessment of the Zaancorridor TOD project}, year = {2021}, author = {Maarten Holsappel}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3617/}, abstract = {Where the car used to be the most favorable option for travel, changing viewpoints have led to an increasing interest towards public transportation. The general opinion is that the current extent to which modern society utilizes the car is unsustainable, but public transport is not a satisfying alternative. The concept of transit-oriented development (TOD) attempts to make public transport the natural way of moving through the urban pattern by integrating the transit system with spatial planning. This thesis tries to assess the urban design on its suitability of supporting public transit ridership, using the Dutch Zaancorridor project as an example. Through both quantitative analysis and cartography, the comparative differences between the station areas were analyzed and compared. From these results, it was discovered that only Amsterdam Central and Alkmaar can, theoretically, be deemed proper implementations of TOD. The smaller villages are weaker links in the total project, and must be critically looked at if the province wants to stay true to the concept and promote it to other parts of the Netherlands.} }