@unpublished{theses_frw3642, year = {2021}, title = {Are Syrian refugees a potential solution to an aging Dutch labour market?}, author = {Timo Holtland}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3642/}, abstract = {We live in both the ?age of migration? and the ?age of ageing?. As a result of a permanent decline in the fertility rates and an increasing life expectancy, the old-age dependency ratio in many countries keeps increasing. This has a structural impact on the labour market and will result in an increasing burden for future taxpayers. Based on previous research, it can be stated that migration can be part of the solution, however the connection and integration of migrants to the labour market are essential. Since the group of Syrian asylum seekers makes up for more than halve of all cohorts arriving in the Netherlands during the ?refugee crisis?, this is the most relevant group to look into. For integration policies to be effective and for immigration to be a potential solution for the aging and dejuvenating Dutch labour market, the integration program must change its focus to increase mutual understanding and take into account the individual?s capabilities and competences.} }