%X In this thesis a focus is put on working aged people (18 - 64 years old) in the Northern Netherlands that have intentions to stay living at their place of residence. Quantitative research methodes are used by conducting analysis on a secondary dataset from Sociaal Planbureau Groningen, Trendbureau Drenthe and Fries Sociaal Planbureau. Staying intentions can differ from person to person and from region to region. It is often assumed that issues concerning livability can be a reason to stay or move out of an area if there is the possibility to move. Livability can be defined as the result of the extent to which the physical environment matches the wishes, ideals and needs of the individual, which can be both positive or negative. So, with a multinomial logistic regression relationships are looked at with personal characteristics and both subjective and objective regional characteristics. The experienced regional characteristics show to have a significant relationship with staying intentions. When the livability is perceived better the likelihood to have intentions to stay increases steadily. Also, multiple personal characteristics show significant results in predicting the intentions to stay. %D 2021 %L theses_frw3664 %A Anne de Rouw %T Staying in the Northern Netherlands (Drenthe, Friesland & Groningen) - personal and experienced regional characteristics