@unpublished{theses_frw3712, title = {The Process of Sustainable Measures Installation for Dutch Homeowners: A Comparison Between Net Worth Groups}, year = {2021}, author = {M. E. Spoelstra}, abstract = {At the current rate of greenifying, the Netherlands will not achieve its goals regarding carbon emission reduction. Greenifying is, however, seen by the public to be a thing of the rich. This paper utilizes binomial logistic regression to statistically infer the odds of falling in a specific net worth group (above/below median) with regards to greenifying capability. Additionally, the willingness to install green measures is investigated by net worth group. Data from the WoON 2018 survey is used, which includes factual info as well as convictions of the respondent. The above median net worth group has a decrease in relative odds of finances being a reason for not greenifying by 49.3\% compared to the below median net worth group. Willingness to install green measures is unrelated to net worth group and is dependent on personal characteristics. Financial reasons are thought to be the largest determinant in the willingness to greenify, yet the decision is made opportunistically mostly due to maintenance needs or general inaction. Policymakers are recommended to increase financial supports towards lower net worth households, and as there is limited attention towards existing buildings, shift away from the focus of sustainability in new buildings towards existing ones.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3712/} }