%D 2021 %X Jakarta is facing a mismatch in housing supply and demand. One of the reasons is due to a qualitative mismatch between the supply of houses by developers and demand from middle to low-income workers. This condition leads to vacant dwellings in several affordable housing projects. This study aims to analyze the housing preference of workers in Jakarta. Six housing attributes, comprising tenure option, housing cost, dwelling type and size, distance to public transportation, and shops, are examined. Using a rating-based conjoint experiment, 16 housing profiles were constructed from the attributes and their levels, and a digital survey was delivered to respondents in Jakarta. The experiment was analyzed further using ordinary least squared (OLS) to estimate the contributions of the attributes and attribute levels. A segment-based model and cluster analysis (K-means clustering) are also delivered in the analysis to examine the heterogeneity of the preference between income levels. The results show that workers in Jakarta consider distance to public transportation and housing cost the most and compensate (tradeoff) with the other attributes. These preferences differ between income groups. The most important attributes for low-income workers are distance to public transportation and housing cost, while the distance to public transportation and dwelling size are the most important for middle-income workers. In addition, cluster analysis indicates that the heterogeneity of housing preference is not only driven by income category but also by some other factors such as type of household and mobility habit. The cluster analysis also provides bundles of housing characteristics that are preferred by the workers. This study contributes to existing empirical literature in analyzing housing preferences in Jakarta and may be of interest to developers and policymakers. %A Muhammad Hidayat Isa %L theses_frw3714 %T The housing preferences of workers in Jakarta