@unpublished{theses_frw3715, author = {Ruben K. Knoester}, year = {2021}, title = {Coastal Visitors? Journey in Scheveningen, the Netherlands}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3715/}, abstract = {The objective of this case study is to gain insights into visitors? motivations, experiences and points of (dis)satisfaction in the low season in the Dutch coastal destination Scheveningen. Fourteen semi-structured walk-along interviews were conducted on both the boulevard and the beach in Scheveningen and analyzed with inductive and deductive thematic coding. Common motivations to visit Scheveningen were to enjoy themselves, to visit friends and family, because of the proximity and accessibility, the beach and the sea, and because travel companions wanted this. Many visitors observed the sea, walked, enjoyed and gathered a peace of mind during their visit. The most common (dis)satisfaction-impacting attributes were related to accessibility and weather conditions. Certain interview data was new to the literature such as visiting Scheveningen specifically because of knowing how long a specific coastal walk is and the activities of listening and smelling the sea. Certain common motivations, activities and points of (dis)satisfaction in the literature were not mentioned, probably due to the weather and covid-19 pandemic (e.g. shopping). Overall, beach and boulevard visitors? motivations, experiences and points of (dis)satisfaction are largely similar. Insights in this thesis should be used to attract more visitors and increase overall satisfaction. Moreover, coastal destinations should anticipate more on the importance of the sea that cause visitors to acquire peace of mind by making this a focal point in marketing.} }