@unpublished{theses_frw3731, title = {Generations: Intergenerational differences in the consumption of Dutch Second World War heritage}, year = {2021}, author = {D. Puister}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3731/}, abstract = {This thesis answers the question of how different generations consume war heritage in the Netherlands. Sufficient academic research has been done on why Dutch nationals visit war heritage, indicating that curiosity is a strong motivator for visitation. However, this sparks the question if generations differ from one another, making it the central theme in this thesis. Using a quantitative approach, questionnaires were digitally distributed across social media platforms Facebook and Instagram. Three cases were analysed in-depth, the Anne Frank Huis in Amsterdam, former transit camp Westerbork, and the American Cemetery in the town of Margraten. The results are based on 195 responses and show that curiosity remains the strongest motivator in all generations. Moreover, the share of school/study excursions is increasing with each younger generation. Furthermore, Generation X usually visits war heritage with their children, while Generation Y usually reverses that by going with their parents. The following conclusions can be drawn: curiosity remains the strongest motivator throughout the generations, while education is becoming an increasingly more important motivator in younger generations. The relationship between parents/caretakers and children influences the differences in outcomes between Generation X and Generation Y in relation to the question with whom they visit heritage. Future research could revolve around the question why the Anne Frank Huis receives so little visits from Dutch nationals, as respondents have indicated certain leads that would be interesting to research.} }