%D 2021 %X In this thesis, the impact of COVID-19 on the integration process of refugees in the Netherlands is researched. With the help of a theoretical framework from existing literature, a few indicators are set up which can determine one's integration into a foreign country. With semi-structured, in-depth interviews, those indicators are asked to 4 participants, who arrived in the Netherlands in the past 5 years. At first, their lives before the pandemic started are being mapped, and after that, the changes that the participants experienced in the last year are being asked for the same indicators like the ones for their lives before the pandemic. It came forward that the pandemic did have a significant impact on their lives. Before the pandemic, the participants were learning the Dutch language, were working in bars and hotels, were going to physical classes, which are all indicators for integrating into society. In the past year, this changed dramatically, with the loss of jobs and following classes online, which resulted in seeing their colleagues and classmates less or even not at all. Learning the Dutch language was put on hold, as physical meetings with language coaches did not occur anymore. The participants felt isolated, resulting in feelings of stress and loneliness. Therefore, the COVID-19 pandemic has harmed the integration process of refugees in the Netherlands. %T The Impact of COVID-19 on the integration process of refugees in the Netherlands %L theses_frw3737 %A Ruben Groot