%A Martijn Hoekstra %T Urban Green Space Accessibility: An Environmental Justice based Research %L theses_frw3740 %X The importance of urban green spaces has become ever more clear during the Covid-19 pandemic. In times during which there is not much which can be done, urban green spaces have been a solution to relieve stress and offer the possibility of meeting up with other people. It is not self-evident, however, that everyone experiences the same accessibility to such important spaces. The present study seeks to explain how urban green space accessibility is perceived from an environmental justice perspective. By utilizing a case-study and qualitative statistical means, an inquiry has been made in order to find out if relevant socio-demographic groups have equal opportunity to access urban green spaces. Results show no significant differences among socio-demographic groups regarding their accessibility to urban green spaces. Therefore, the urban green space accessibility can be regarded as just %D 2021