@phdthesis{theses_frw377, title = {Urban-rural differences in childhood overweight}, year = {2019}, author = {S.A. Kellij}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/377/}, abstract = {Overweight is a growing worldwide problem, not only in adults but also in children. Previous research suggests the urbanity level of the living environment as a factor that influences overweight levels. This research aims to exam the urban-rural differences in childhood overweight levels in order to better understand the causes of childhood overweight, with the following research question: To what extent does the urbanity level of the living environment influence the chances of children (aged 2-17) being overweight in Germany? To identify trends in German childhood overweight, this study made use of available literature on childhood overweight and a statistical analysis of the KIGGS dataset. From this study can be concluded that there are no urban-rural differences in childhood overweight levels despite results from other studies that do suggest urban-rural differences. An explanation for this result might be differences between urban-rural distinctions.} }