%T The Implementation of Characteristics of Transformative Adaptation into Spatial Planning to Decrease Pluvial Flood Risks – A Comparative Study %X Due to increasing frequencies of extreme rainfall events and impermeable surfaces in urban environments, cities must deal with increasing pluvial flood risks (IPCC, 2021; Skougaard Kaspersen et al., 2017). In response, London, Rotterdam and Antwerp drew up policies and adjusted the living environment to decrease the risks. It is researched to what extent characteristics of adaptive management and transformative adaptation have been implemented in the domain of spatial planning in these cities. Based on a policy analysis, an assessment of spatial designs and a literature review, results show that elements of adaptive management have been implemented to a larger extent than aspects of transformative adaptation. Rotterdam has a communicative and innovative approach. Weaknesses are related to finances. Antwerp implemented the most characteristics compared to the other cities, but the fragmented governance structure is challenging. London has a multi-sectoral approach and focusses on monitoring and evaluating of processes and spatial projects. The attractiveness of the spatial designs can be improved. Based on the results, lessons are drawn, and policy recommendations are formulated. %A Célianne Vellema %L theses_frw3770 %D 2022