%T The Effect of Citizenship on the Social Integration of Migrants in the Netherlands %A Stefan Dakovski %L theses_frw3787 %D 2022 %X Citizenship has become an increasingly important component in the naturalization and assimilation of migrants in the Netherlands. Through citizenship, migrants are able to become Dutch citizens that may integrate into the Dutch society, however, studies have shown that citizenship may not be as influential in accomplishing this process socially as it is politically and economically. Many issues continue to persist even after foreigners become nationals to the Netherlands, which has called into question the effectiveness of a citizenship. This study aims to explore the issue and provide an overview of current literature that exists on the topic, contributing towards the growing body of works. The main research question explored here is, ‘To what extent does a Dutch citizenship help integrate migrants socially in the Netherlands?’. Mixed methods have been employed through a survey quantitative research and interview qualitative research. This study shows that although citizenship aims to naturalize migrants to the Netherlands at its best, it fails to do to some extent. Social issues continue to persist, hindering the natural assimilation of foreigners into the Dutch society.