%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A Halsema, J. %D 2022 %F theses_frw:3854 %P 18 %T The Effect of Women’s Rights on Emigration Patterns among Working Age Women within the EU-27 Countries %U https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3854/ %X This paper investigates the effects women's rights have on the emigration rates of women of working age (age 25-64) within the EU-27 countries. Existing literature has shown that gender inequality and discrimination are connected to the migration patterns of women. On the world stage, higher gender inequality and discrimination result in a higher migration rate among women. This research has, however, not been conducted at the European Union level. Indicating a research gap is present in the literature on female migration motives. A literature review is combined with secondary data analysis, consisting of data extracted from multiple databases, combined into a dataset to run a linear regression analysis. The dependent variable within this analysis is the age-standardised out-migration rate (ASOR) for the age group 25-44, 45-64, and 25-64. The regression is run against nine independent variables, each displaying an aspect of women's rights. Results show that two independent variables were significant, the Human Development Index and the estimated female GNI per capita. Recommendations are made to research further the relation between women's rights and migration within the European Union. However, by conducting this research on the intention of migration, instead of the absolute number of emigrants, a broader picture can be achieved regarding the influence women's rights have on female migration.