%T Understanding why blockchain technology adoption rate lags in Real Estate markets when compared to several major sectors: A mixed-methods approach with qualitative and quantitative data %L theses_frw386 %A D.F. Bartels %X Public blockchain is an open, transparent, peer-to-peer digital ledger in a decentralized network that cross verifies itself where transactions and data are recorded publicly and chronologically. This research investigates why real estate companies appear to be lagging with adopting blockchain technology when compared to other major sectors. Mixed-methods used to identify the apparent lagging of blockchain in real estate are: analysing a self-gathered database of the 100 largest banks and 100 largest real estate companies based on market capitalization on the relative adoption of blockchain technology through logistic regression, identifying the movements of patent applications towards blockchain technology across sectors and identifying the perceived characteristics by text-analysing interviews with potential users of blockchain. Only 16 of the 100 largest real estate companies are found to have adopted blockchain compared to 86 of the 100 largest banks. %D 2019