@unpublished{theses_frw3866, year = {2022}, title = {Influence of the COVID-19 Crisis on Housing Preferences of Homeowners in the Netherlands}, author = {A.W. Bouma}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3866/}, abstract = {How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted housing preferences is largely unknown. This research, therefore, focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the housing preferences of homeowners in the Netherlands. The main findings are that the pandemic phase and the restrictive measures taken to limit the spread of the coronavirus impacted people?s needs, preferences, and values. A survey (n=51) has been used to collect data on preferences before, during and after the COVID-19 crisis. Having a house with an extra room was appreciated more by homeowners, due to working from home becoming the new normal. Also living in a green environment gained importance during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as living close to family and friends. It was also investigated, using a paired samples t-test, whether preferences regarding living close to facilities or work have changed. However, these turned out to be insignificant. Multivariate analysis was used to test whether age, gender, province of residence, household composition, living urban/rural, and type of residence could explain the change in housing preferences, which turned out to not be the case. The main conclusion is that there is a change in preferences observable, however, whether the COVID-19 crisis is the only explanatory factor for this cannot be said.} }