%X In the Netherlands, the share of elderly in the population grows, households become smaller, people live longer and elderly stay in their big family homes because of the lack of suitable alternatives. The pressure on the housing market and the health care sector is growing. When elderly do not live in a good environment or do not receive proper health care, their well-being may decrease. Therefore, this research aims to analyse the relationship between the current living situation of elderly, in terms of health status, household composition, housing and neighbourhood characteristics, and their overall life-satisfaction. This theses finds evidence for a positive effect on overall life satisfaction by a higher subjective health perception and for elderly not living alone in their household. For the housing characteristics, only the desire to move and the adaptation of houses to a disability affect overall life satisfaction negatively. The type of house, surface and specific elderly house show no effects. On the neighbourhood level, only the sense of feeling at home in the neighbourhood shows a positive effect. Distances to facilities and type of neighbourhood show no effect. This means that health care provision and loneliness are prime considerations for policy-making on housing elderly. %D 2022 %L theses_frw3927 %A Jantine Gwendolyn Meuleman %T Healthy housing: the effects on life satisfaction of elderly in the Netherlands