%L theses_frw3984 %X This study aims to look at the student’s use of outdoor gyms in the city of Groningen. It focuses on the differences between international and Dutch students and on how outdoor gyms could be improved. The research included field work, a survey and several interviews. There were 92 survey respondents and eight interviews. The statistical analysis of the survey showed that there was no significant difference between the use and awareness of outdoor gyms between international and Dutch students in the population. Only a small percentage of the students in the survey used outdoor gyms. Reasons for students to not use outdoor gyms were that they were exercising enough already, feeling uncomfortable being watched while exercising and not knowing how to use the different exercise apparatus. Most students are missing guidance. Therefore, it is important that outdoor gyms are promoted more, and exercise classes are used to introduce outdoor gym use. Although the interviews showed a lot of contradicting needs, there are certainly things that outdoor gyms could improve upon when looking at the design. For example, bars from the right material that are not too thick or too slippery. %D 2021 %T The student's perception and use of outdoor gyms in the city of Groningen %A J.A. Zieleman