%A Laurens Brugma %D 2022 %L theses_frw4015 %X This thesis explores the effect of the introduction of the ‘sociaal leenstelsel’ in 2015 within the Netherlands on the spatial mobility of students. Prior research shows that students leave the parental home at a later stage and that they therefore opt for a study facility in closer proximity. It is therefore expected that the average migration distance of students has decreased as a consequence of the introduction of the ‘sociaal leenstelsel’. Since prior relocations impact the mobility at later stadia, the reduced mobility would impact the dynamics in mobility of individuals with high human capital. Reduced mobility of these intellectuals would therefore change the dynamics within the match-making process of the labour market. This study makes use of the Dutch HBO student monitor data, which offers cross-sectional data about the career paths and their mobility of graduated Dutch applied university students. This research shows that the inter-regional migration distance of students has increased after the introduction of the ‘sociaal leenstelsel’. This since a higher percentage of students leaves the parental home. The relocation distance of students that relocate has decreased after the introduction of the ‘sociaal leenstelsel’. %T The effect of the changes of the student-loan on the inter-regional migration of students