@unpublished{theses_frw4039, author = {Sacha Verhulst}, title = {Sustainable Topcorridors, Institutional arrangements for sustainable corridor development}, year = {2022}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4039/}, abstract = {Developing a sustainable freight transport system remains a big challenge for the Dutch Topcorridors programme. However, a sustainable and integrated transport system is crucial for a well-functioning society, environment and economy. This process is further complicated by the multi-dimensional characteristics of corridors as they are multi-scalar as corridors cross multiple administrative borders; multi modal as multiple modes of transport are included; multi-sectoral as infrastructure development and spatial planning are inherently linked; and lastly, multi-governance as multiple governance levels are involved in corridor development. Sustainable corridor development requires an integrated approach which includes the functional interrelations and institutional interdependencies of corridor development, which remains challenging. The national government applied a governmental approach to align and coordinate the development of the Topcorridors and its nodes. Therefore, this research has carried out a multi-scalar case study with semi-structured interviews and a document analysis to find which institutional arrangements can support sustainable development of the Topcorridors and its nodes. The findings indicate that attention must be paid to formulating measurable goals, providing monitoring and evaluation to adjust when necessary and to political influences as these affect the capacity and funds that are available at the nodes. Furthermore, it is important to operate in a coherent manner to ensure that the programme does not become too loosely coupled. Finally, the Topcorridors are part of the European TEN-T and freight transport is international, requiring the consideration of the European scale in the development of a sustainable transport system.} }