<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen"^^ . "As cities face ecological and social challenges in the 21st century, nature-based solutions have \r\nemerged as a collection of strategies to help remedy some of the issues caused by climate change \r\nand rapid urbanization. Some of these strategies include measures such as planting more trees \r\nin neighborhoods to help decrease local temperatures, implementing water-tolerant plants in \r\nwaterways to improve water quality, constructing green roofs to support water retention and \r\nbiodiversity, and restoring wetlands to prevent flooding in cities and absorb CO2. Previous \r\nresearch demonstrates that nature-based solutions can provide benefits to areas that adopt them \r\nand improve natural qualities such as biodiversity and water quality. Despite the cited evidence, \r\nthere remain some research gaps about their implementation, design, and their relationship to \r\nsociety. The purpose of this study is to examine an emerging neighborhood of the city of \r\nGroningen called Meerstad where nature-based solutions have been implemented by Bureau \r\nMeerstad the office in charge of the designs. The aim of the research is to find out how residents \r\nof Meerstad value nature-based solutions, their roles in the design process, and how inclusive \r\nthe societal benefits of nature-based solutions are for Meerstad’s residents. This was investigated \r\nusing a Grounded Theory Mixed-Method approach utilizing surveys and in-depth interviews. An \r\nadditional section regarding perceptions of greenspace in Berlin, Germany compares the findings \r\nfrom Meerstad within an international context. The results of the research show that in Meerstad \r\nthere is a distinction between functional and natural values and residents value recreation and \r\nbiodiversity highly. Investigations of citizen involvement in Meerstad found that overall residents \r\nwere satisfied with their level of involvement, but by allowing residents to have a higher level of \r\ninvolvement, higher sustainability outcomes were achieved confirming the results of the literature.\r\nThe main takeaway from the STOURIE project in Berlin was that residents there did not have the \r\nperception that flooding was a pressing threat compared to Meerstad where residents were aware \r\nof the danger posed by climate change in an area located below sea level. The nature-based \r\nsolutions that provided the most benefits to residents were the lake and reeds. The benefits that \r\nthese interventions provided were mostly environmental and not always immediately apparent \r\nsuch as creating habitats, improving water quality, and preventing flooding. Some unanticipated \r\nfindings were that there is a connection between nature-based solutions and inequality as those \r\nwho can afford to live where they are implemented gain the most benefits while lower-income \r\nresidents lack accessibility."^^ . "2022" . . . . . . . "Michael"^^ . "Kleszczewski"^^ . "Michael Kleszczewski"^^ . . . . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen (Text)"^^ . . . "My final Bachelors Thesis.pdf"^^ . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "Exploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #4083 \n\nExploring the benefits of Nature-based Solutions and citizen involvement in Meerstad, Groningen\n\n" . "text/html" . .