%D 2023 %X This research contains an overview of characteristics that inhabitants of the urban and rural associate with the rural, whether these characteristics overlap between the two groups, and how the mentioned characteristics relate to the phenomenon of ‘rural idyll’. Literature research has been conducted as well as quantitative research by handing out surveys. The participants of the surveys are living in Groningen (city) or the rural parts of the province of Groningen. People experience a place in different ways and connect different values and meanings to a place (Horlings, 2016), this also applies to the rural (Haartsen et. al., 2003). The rural is celebrated because of the natural and idyllic environment (Woods, 2010). However, the areas are also considered remote, underdeveloped, and backward. This research showed that there is a similarity between certain characteristics of the rural between the inhabitants of the city of Groningen and the inhabitants of the rural areas of Groningen. However, there were also significant differences between the groups concerning the indicated characteristics. %L theses_frw4130 %A L.A.J. van Bolhuis %T The image of the rural by urban and rural inhabitants