%L theses_frw4145 %X The challenges and processes of the mobility transition lead to an increasing interest in the role that public transit could play in engineering this transition. As of now, the problem of optimising the accessibility of public transit is done in a non-standardised way, reliant on planners’ individual knowledge and expertise. Nonetheless, this paper presents evidence that the accessibility of bus stops is correlated with local demographic, spatial and economic factors: specifically, the analysis measures bus stop accessibility through the use of Voronoi diagrams and relates this measurement to local factors around the bus stop, such as population density; average home value; average household size; the percentage of the population with a Dutch background; percentage of rental units; the percentage of apartments; and the percentage of the population in age groups 15-25 and over 65. The findings of this study have implications for transit planning practices and public transit research. %D 2023 %T Demographics and Mobility: Correlating the spatial accessibility of Dutch bus stops with local factors using Voronoi polygons %A Max Rood