%X Walking is a healthy, environmentally conscious, and sustainable alternative to driving. However, not everyone walks as their main mode of transportation, and the distance people can and want to walk can vary. There are also factors that encourage and restrict people from walking. This paper aims to determine how far residents of Groningen are willing to walk, and explore the importance of factors that might impact their decision to walk. It also discusses the restricting and encouraging policies for walking in the municipality of Groningen. Results have discovered that the distance that people are willing to walk is roughly in line with the concept of the 15-minute city, but that many people are even willing to walk above that threshold, depending on the purpose. Results may be used by local governments to make decisions on how to plan cities based on walking distances that are realistic to their population. Further research can look into the encouraging factors in other places around the world, and also the habits of those who walk more frequently. %T Groningen: the 17 minute city? A study on the perception of walkable distance and the encouraging and restricting policies for walking in Groningen %L theses_frw4218 %A Lauren Santen %D 2023