@unpublished{theses_frw4262, year = {2023}, title = {Evaluation of climate adaptation strategies in Maastricht}, author = {Marten van der Schaaf}, abstract = {Climate adaptation is needed to prevent any damage and harm against extreme weather events caused by climate change. An increase in the number of cities having integrated strategies towards climate change is therefore needed, which is a reason that the assessment of this is necessary. The city of Maastricht in South-Limburg is an example where a lot of damage has been done recently by extreme weather events, which is why this is an important city to check to what extent climate adaptation is addressed in the current strategies of this city. To assess this, several criteria have been formed regarding climate adaptive measures in different sectors, such as agriculture, industry, and direct flooding protection. The methodology for this research is for this reason a detailed content analysis. Multiple documents of Maastricht are analysed to get a full overview of all climate adaptation measures. The most quotations referring to climate adaptation are found for the criteria of public space, healthcare, and communication and coordination of stakeholders. This indicates that Maastricht?s main type of adaptation has a focus on the safety of the inhabitants in terms of flooding safety and health. A few criteria lacked quotations, for example on social safety nets, public transport, and industry, but also hard engineering and agriculture lacked. Agriculture and social safety nets are important elements of an integrated adaptation strategy, which means Maastricht?s one is not as integrated as it should be. The lacking criteria in the end got a score of 0 or 1 and on these elements recommendations are given to the strategy developers and the municipality of Maastricht on how to improve on these. The strengths and weaknesses of Maastricht?s strategy should be an important lesson for other cities. More research on climate adaptation in strategy documents can be done by assessing a specific element of climate adaptation in more detail.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4262/} }