eprintid: 4313 rev_number: 5 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/43/13 datestamp: 2023-08-01 09:47:31 lastmod: 2023-08-01 09:47:31 status_changed: 2023-08-01 09:47:31 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show sword_depositor: 1 creators_name: Heinen, Wouter creators_id: S4312368 creators_email: wheinen00@gmail.com title: The Desire to do an Exchange Semester: Obstacles and Motivations When Going Abroad ispublished: unpub full_text_status: public abstract: In the light of an increased interest in student exchanges, the aim of this study is to identify the obstacles that students face when going abroad and in addition, to understand the perception of manageable and unmanageable obstacles based on a student’s motivation. To answer this research question, a conceptual model based on theories of motivation during decision- making and existing literature regarding obstacles and motivations for student exchanges was created. Nine interviews were conducted among former exchange students. In total, 18 different types of obstacles were identified that relate to cultural, educational, financial, health & safety, administrational or geographical factors as well as four main motivation types. The perception of an obstacle being manageable or unmanageable seems to be highly subjective and rely heavily on a person's motivation, although differences in the extent to which motivation influences the perception of obstacles differ. The identification of obstacles might help to increase and facilitate student exchanges, which is valuable for universities, cities and their tourism sectors. Further research might use a larger, more diverse sample and quantitative techniques to confirm and expand the findings. date: 2023 pages: 21 thesis_type: bachelor degree_programme: SGP tutors_name: Haisma, H.H. tutors_name: Frentz-Gollnitz, M. tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Basiseenheid Demografie tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Basiseenheid Demografie tutors_email: H.H.Haisma@rug.nl tutors_email: m.frentz-goellnitz@rug.nl security: public keywords_local: Exchange Semester keywords_local: Erasmus keywords_local: Short-term Migration keywords_local: Going Abroad keywords_local: Studying Abroad keywords_local: Students keywords_local: Obstacles keywords_local: Motivation keywords_local: Business Tourism keywords_local: Student Exchange language_iso: en date_issued: 2023-07-28 citation: Heinen, Wouter (2023) The Desire to do an Exchange Semester: Obstacles and Motivations When Going Abroad. Bachelor thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4313/1/Wouter%20Heinen%20s4312368%20Bachelors%20Project%20HGP%20FINAL%20VERSION-1.pdf