%T “We Have to Hold Their Hand” . Differences Among the London Boroughs in Forming Public-Private Sector Relationships To Build New Housing %A Alec, Mr. Farber %L theses_frw4336 %D 2023 %X Urban planning research now recognizes the importance of actor relationships between the public and private sectors. Simultaneously, local governments’ targets for new housing are increasingly unrealized. Yet there is insufficient research on the impact of the former on the latter. Using interviews with politicians and planners in London, this paper investigates how relationships between planners and developers affect implementation of new housing targets. The primary finding was that working with “good” developers is essential to forming productive working relationships, and differences between how planners in the Boroughs operate largely stems from their access to these “good” developers. However, market forces lead to spatial inequalities in where these developers choose to operate. Ultimately, differences in the relationships between planners and the developers do influence housing construction, but these differences reflect manifestations of geographic and economic forces beyond the control of the individuals involved.