@unpublished{theses_frw4339, year = {2023}, author = {Hesther van Rossem}, title = {The impact of the overheated Dutch housing market on the satisfaction of young adults with their first house}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4339/}, abstract = {Over the past years, the demand for housing has stayed high while there has been a housing shortage in the Netherlands. While this is relevant and worrying for all inhabitants of the Netherlands, it makes it especially difficult for young starters wanting to enter the owner-occupied housing market. Young starters will have to make compromises to compete in the overheated market. Owner-occupied homeowners are more impacted by neighborhood factors than other types of residences. Besides, residential satisfaction is linked to housing affordability, and both can have influence on the mental and physical health of people. This thesis includes a statistical analysis of the WoON dataset of 2021 and 2006 and examines whether there is an impact of the overheated Dutch housing market on the satisfaction of young adults in the age of 25-34 with their first house. The research focuses on respondents? satisfaction with living environment as well as satisfaction with their house. The satisfaction of young adults with their first owner occupied home is lower in 2021 than it was in 2006 for both satisfaction with their house as well as with their living environment. Additionally, 6\% less of the young adults have bought a house in 2021 than in 2006.} }