%A Rianne Kerkhof %T Spatial Segregation: Social Housing In The City Of Groningen %L theses_frw4481 %X The topic for this paper is spatial segregation. With this topic in mind, this research study investigates the social housing situation in the city of Groningen and how spatial segregation is a result of the decisions being made by both municipality and housing corporations.) The question that is central in this paper is: “How has the current distribution of social housing influenced the city of Groningen in terms of spatial segregation?”. To analyse the influence of social housing on spatial segregation, data has been collected from interviews, policy documents and municipality annual plans. The interviews with both the municipality and two housing corporations have provided, together with the secondary data, an indication that there is a negative impact on neighbourhoods with an abundance of social housing. Most of the neighbourhoods, compared to the average of the municipality, score low on both educational levels and social levels. This results in that residents are less likely to stay or less likely to have a pleasant experience living in these neighbourhoods. %D 2024