eprintid: 4547 rev_number: 5 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/45/47 datestamp: 2024-07-04 12:24:51 lastmod: 2024-07-04 12:24:51 status_changed: 2024-07-04 12:24:51 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show sword_depositor: 1 creators_name: Hadderingh, Mariët Hendriëtte creators_id: S4978005 creators_email: m.h.hadderingh@student.rug.nl title: Evaluating Let's Gro festival Groningen: a creative placemaking perspective ispublished: unpub full_text_status: public abstract: Events are increasingly recognized for their role in creative placemaking, focusing less on enhancing the city's image for external audiences and more on creating quality places for residents. This study employs a mixed-methods approach to determine to what extent the Let’s Gro Festival can be considered a creative placemaking event, thereby adding to this emerging discourse in the literature. The qualitative analysis, based on interviews with the festival’s organizers, revealed the alignment of the festival’s objectives with the concept of creative placemaking, given the emphasis on incorporating community engagement, local identity and arts, culture and creativity in urban development projects. However, the quantitative survey of attendees unveiled contradictions. While attendees ranked community engagement and participation as the festival's most important impacts, they considered arts and cultural vibrancy as the least important topic, contrasting the organizers' focus. Nonetheless, most attendees indicated the festival effectively showcased local talent and creativity, which is considered crucial for successful creative placemaking events. Thus, the findings suggest that the Let's Gro Festival exhibits several creative placemaking elements. However, the disconnect between stakeholders' perceptions of artistic and cultural aspects reveals potential areas for improvement in effectively communicating these elements. Hence, future research could investigate strategies to better align stakeholder perceptions, and comparisons with other regional events to identify best practices. date: 2024 pages: 38 thesis_type: bachelor degree_programme: SGP tutors_name: Popken, B.F. tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, BOE Studieadvies tutors_email: b.f.popken@rug.nl security: public keywords_local: Creative placemaking keywords_local: Placemaking keywords_local: Creative events keywords_local: Groningen language_iso: en date_issued: 2024-07-04 citation: Hadderingh, Mariët Hendriëtte (2024) Evaluating Let's Gro festival Groningen: a creative placemaking perspective. Bachelor thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4547/1/SCRIPTIE-FINAL-PDF.pdf