%T Sustainability and Trust in the Waterboards To what extent does attitude towards sustainability affect trust in the water boards? %X Environmental disasters, such as floods are increasing making climate change more prominent in our daily lives. This has made attitudes towards sustainability and combating climate change a disputed political topic. This raises the question if attitude towards sustainability has any influence on trust in governmental bodies. This research aims to find out if the attitude towards sustainability affects trust in the waterboards. This will be done by asking the question: To what extent do attitudes towards sustainability and demographic characteristics influence flood protection trust in the water boards? This research analyses primary quantitative data collected in the municipality of Heerenveen. The 81 participants are all residents of the municipality of Heerenveen and are all 18 years or older. The analysis uses multiple linear regression, and all the assumptions for the regression analysis are met. The dependent variable is trust in the water boards on a scale from 0 to 10. The independent variables (willingness to become sustainable, meat-eating, driving, domestic heating and showering) measure the attitude towards sustainability. The regression analysis found that no variables indicate that attitudes towards sustainability are significant for predicting trust in the water boards. This means that the findings in this research do not support the expectation that an attitude towards sustainability increases trust in flood protection of the waterboards. %A Quint Kuitert %L theses_frw4559 %D 2024