@unpublished{theses_frw4588, author = {Sander Ligtlee}, title = {Perceived health benefits of green space and air-quality among student populations in Shanghai: a comparative study of Yangpu and Fengxian districts}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Air quality and green space are becoming more and more important in modern-day planning. Air quality is an essential part of urban health, if the air quality is bad, more health complications arise and thus costs rise. Green space is essential for urban health to mitigate air quality problems as well as improve mental health and increase physical exercise. Shanghai, China is regarded as a green metropolitan region that has spent a lot of effort to reduce its air pollution and increase its green space. To gain more understanding of a currently underrepresented population, a younger generation of 2 districts in Shanghai are chosen to study the difference in perceived health to gain a deeper insight into possible inequality between more central and less centralized areas of the city. In the end the research question: ? How do green space and air quality policies impact the perceived mental and physical health of younger generations of citizens in different neighbourhoods of Shanghai?? is answered. The results show that there is no difference between the districts but that greenspace does have an impact on health while gender and age do not have an influence. There is however a difference in how men and women experience current air quality, with women experiencing it worse. For future research, more effort needs to be put into obtaining larger samples and looking into medical data to see if air quality has indeed had no effect since perceived physical health can be different from physical health.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4588/} }