eprintid: 4603 rev_number: 5 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/46/03 datestamp: 2024-07-15 09:55:38 lastmod: 2024-07-15 09:55:38 status_changed: 2024-07-15 09:55:38 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show sword_depositor: 1 creators_name: Deen, J.M. van der creators_id: S3380092 creators_email: jochemvanderdeen@hotmail.com title: Windfarms in Indonesia: local community acceptance/opposition from distributional justice and procedural justice perspectives ispublished: unpub full_text_status: public abstract: Climate change is affecting all of us and many institutions and countries have set goals for the creation of renewable energy, with wind energy being one of the potential sources. Wind energy projects are often impacted by a lack of social acceptance, which can have impacts on the feasibility of a project. This research looks into social acceptance in windfarm planning from a distributional justice and procedural justice perspective. Research shows distributional justice and procedural justice in windfarm planning lead to more social acceptance, but most research on these perspectives have until now been done in a Global North setting. Therefore, the aim of this research is to contribute to finding out whether the theoretical framework coming from current research can also be used as a tool to do research in a Global South context. Two windfarms in Indonesia have been part of the empirical research. Analysis of the data that is collected by surveys, fieldwork, and interviews resulted in some new preliminary theoretical insights. In our sample, from a distributional justice perspective mainly personal social benefits are important for social acceptance. From a procedural justice perspective the data shows that mainly ‘passive’ involvement is creating social acceptance. The results could be seen as a start to Global South theory on social acceptance from a distributional justice and procedural justice perspective, but further research is needed. date: 2024 pages: 67 thesis_type: master degree_programme: EIP tutors_name: Kann, F.M.G. van tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Infrastucture Planning tutors_email: F.M.G.van.Kann@rug.nl security: public keywords_local: Wind energy keywords_local: Distributional justice keywords_local: Procedural justice keywords_local: Social acceptance keywords_local: Local community language_iso: en date_issued: 2024-07-15 citation: Deen, J.M. van der (2024) Windfarms in Indonesia: local community acceptance/opposition from distributional justice and procedural justice perspectives. Master thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4603/1/Windfarms-in-Indonesia---a-local-community-perspective.-JM-van-der-Deen-S3380092.pdf