@unpublished{theses_frw4623, author = {Jesse Bijl}, title = {Analysing spatial and policy interventions that contribute to more sustainable commuting in the Groningen-Assen Region.}, year = {2024}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/4623/}, abstract = {The Groningen-Assen Region has invested a lot in a sustainable travel strategy, however many travellers in the region remain to use the car, especially work commuters between the two cities. This paper focusses on these commuters aged 46-65 as they have the highest car ownership records in the Netherlands. The paper researches spatial and policy interventions that influence travel behaviour in general, by means of a literature review. This theory is tested by qualitative interviews with adult commuters living in Assen and working in Groningen. Analysis provides the following factors to be of influence in the Groningen-Assen context: costs, distance to main transit stops, travel time related factors, attitudes, bicycle features and work-related factors. Certain factors contribute to pushing commuters away from the car, like higher parking fees and others to pulling them into public transport (PT), like free PT cards and more direct transit lines between the cities. The RGA (Regio Groningen-Assen) authorities can cooperate with employers in Groningen to contribute to these pulling and pushing factors. Furthermore, it can revise the public transport grid in terms of efficiency, in order to attract more people. Future research could investigate the influence of residential neighbourhoods and the workplace on mode choice.} }