@phdthesis{theses_frw49, year = {2015}, author = {B.S. de Jong}, title = {Runway or Run away: A struggle for power at Groningen Airport Eelde}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/49/}, abstract = {The planning process of airport expansions can take a long time. The balance of power between groups either promoting or opposing an airport expansions changes through time. But the aspect of time is an underestimated factor in the power balance in the spatial planning process. This research highlights time as an aspect of importance for the power balance between groups in the spatial planning process. The runway extension at Groningen Airport Eelde is chosen as case. The political process is investigated from 1954 up to now. The power balance in the planning process of the runway extension is investigated by using the foucauldian discourse analysis to research over 300 newspaper articles over a 23 year period, from 1991 up to 2014. The research reveals a lack of attention for the influence of time on the power balance in the spatial planning process.} }