@phdthesis{theses_frw539, year = {2015}, title = {Citizen Participation and Social Capacity Building for a Flood Resilient Rotterdam}, author = {R.W. Pronk}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/539/}, abstract = {Rotterdam developed a variety of policies and strategies to deal with an expected increase in flood risk. A more integrated, socially embedded approach is an important part of this. This increasingly relies on the system?s adaptability and transformability, where citizens have to act more as ?active risk managers?. Social capacities of citizens gain importance to deal with this new role. Citizen participation is acknowledged as a valuable approach for social capacity building. This work developed a framework for citizen participation, based on the dimensions ?context?, ?use?, ?empowerment? and ?interest?. The framework, together with the ?deficit? and ?latent? understanding of social capacity building, reveals a participative- and capacity building process that is strongly embedded and limited by contextual circumstances, policies and interests. It results in exclusionary practices of flood resilience planning. Consequently, the well-intended participative processes end up as what can be characterized as ?functional?, ?tokenism? and ?instrumental?.} }