%T Affordable Housing Finance for Slum Dwellers in Urban Areas in Indonesia %L theses_frw581 %D 2011 %A Natalia Ginting %X The existence of slum dwellers in urban areas should be considered in designing national housing finance policy in Indonesia. In fact, the growth of slum area is still increasing. Meanwhile, shaping cities without slums has been the target of national long-term development plan for 2005-2025. The objective of this research is to give recommendation for the improvement of housing finance policy in order to enhance the access of slum dwellers to housing financial subsidies and supports. In doing this research, I use qualitative method. Research findings show that linking informal and formal in housing finance system as well as empowering slum dwellers is required to enhance the accessibility of slum dwellers to housing financial subsidies and support. In developing mechanism of informal-formal linkage program, program integration and institutional capacity building among related stakeholders are essential. Social, economic, and physical aspect should be incorporated in housing finance system.