@phdthesis{theses_frw600, year = {2014}, title = {Before you make that big decision}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/600/}, abstract = {This paper concerns detecting and avoiding cognitive biases within the spatial planning process, specifically as an assessor of spatial solutions. The viability of a bias avoidance method (BIAM), recently co-developed by Daniel Kahneman and introduced in a Harvard Business Review Article, The Big Idea: before you make that big decision, was tested within the spatial planning process. The method addresses all of the common biases within the decision-making process by asking twelve questions, and provides tools to both recognize and avoid them (Kahneman, et al., 2011). The research question is: ?Is the bias detection and avoidance method, developed by Kahneman and Lovallo, able to detect and avoid biases within the spatial planning process?? This question was answered by a case study of the city renewal project in Emmen, the Netherlands, which involved relocating the Emmen Zoo and is also called the Atalanta project.} }