@phdthesis{theses_frw655, title = {?The building at the outskirts of history?: The development of place-meaning and place attachment to the Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania}, year = {2019}, author = {Irina Sarah Dragomir}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/655/}, abstract = {The main aim of this research was to explore individual processes of place-making by focusing on the development of meaning and attachment to place, and the socio-political contexts in which the place is found. The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania, is an example of such a place which encompasses a multiplicity of meanings within complex socio-political circumstances. In this thesis, a qualitative method approach was used to explore an emic perspective of how locals in Bucharest develop their connection with this place. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted to provide a thorough understanding of how place is created through stories, memories, narratives, feelings and socio-political contexts. Sixteen locals born, raised and living in Bucharest from the age groups 25 to 29 years old and 40 to 56 years old participated in this research.} }