@phdthesis{theses_frw734, title = {Beyond wind, sand and marram grass. Drawing lessons from Denmark and the Netherlands for dynamic dune management on the island of Sylt (Germany)}, author = {Felix Osswald}, year = {2019}, abstract = {After more than 100 years of coastal dune fixation on the Wadden island of Sylt, a more dynamic management strategy is desirable to preserve biodiversity and increase the adaptability of the popular tourist destination to a rising sea-level. But how to do it? To answer that question, this Master Thesis examines the physical and institutional characteristics of the Dutch and Danish coastal dune management strategies and discusses whether they are actually helpful and desirable for the island of Sylt. The Danish past-oriented approach of preserving a cultural landscape and the Dutch more future-oriented strategy to manage dunes multifunctional according to the current societal and ecological needs are principally practical and desirable, if they are adjusted to the domestic institutional and physical characteristics of Sylt. Eventually, the lessons were incorporated in a praxis-oriented framework for initiating this strategic change.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/734/} }