@phdthesis{theses_frw794, year = {2020}, author = {J.H.F. Mulders}, title = {RELOCATION BEHAVIOUR THROUGHOUT THE BUSINESS CYCLE}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/794/}, abstract = {Within Greater-Amsterdam, both housing and rental prices showed an increase the last number of years. More lower-income people already experience displacement processes within the city of Amsterdam due to this increase (Hochstenbach \& Musterd, 2018). This study focused on different effects, of this ever-changing housing market and the various effects of different income groups on relocation behaviour within Greater-Amsterdam, and found that the business cycle has no evident effects on relocation behaviour. Four different phases of the business cycle were distinguished to examine whether the possible effects of housing prices and income on people?s moving intention change throughout this business cycle.} }