%A W.E. Kalmeijer %T Identifying important barriers and success factors of self-organizing local renewable energy initiatives %L theses_frw800 %D 2015 %X In the context of growing energy demand, in particular sustainable energy; ever increasing costs of fossil fuels; new emerging technologies and alarming messages regarding climate change, self-organization of local renewable energy initiatives is increasingly portrayed as a valuable contribution in realizing the transition to a more sustainable society. Local renewable energy initiatives make it possible to experiment with new structures and patterns, which, if successful, might become accepted in society, and in the end might even become the norm. Existing literature shows that there is no clear understanding of what a successful local renewable energy initiative precisely entails. However, it does provide various conditions and factors which are argued to be critical to their success. This research has identified the most important barriers and success factors in six case studies in the North of the Netherlands.