@phdthesis{theses_frw838, year = {2016}, title = {The mediating role of settlement patterns on start-up activity in the urban-rural space}, author = {L. Hans}, abstract = {This study addresses the mediating role of settlement patterns in the relationship between urbanization and start-up activity. The results show that settlement patterns can explain some of the ambiguous results found in previous research: the relationship between urbanization and start-up rates becomes more similar between countries when controlling for the regional context by including a spatially lagged urbanization variable and variables measuring the distance to urban centers. Therefore, the wider regional context should be taken into account when studying urban-rural relationships. Remarkably, the effect of urbanization on start-up activity is shown to be negative. However, increasing distance from an urban center has a negative effect on start-up rates. This implies that a region does not have to be very highly urbanized itself to be conducive for start-up activity; however, a region does have to be close to an urban center, preferably a larger one.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/838/} }