eprintid: 861 rev_number: 1 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/08/61 datestamp: 2020-04-23 05:21:23 lastmod: 2020-04-23 05:21:23 status_changed: 2020-04-23 05:21:23 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Klooster, J. title: The evaluation of the educational experience by international students at the University of Groningen ispublished: pub full_text_status: public abstract: An analysis of the educational experience of students at the University of Groningen while they are studying at the UG. This provides more information about the decision-making process of different international students. Besides that it provides information on which aspects of studying in Groningen the students are satisfied of and for which there is still room to improve. date: 2019 date_type: published thesis_type: bachelor degree_programme: SGP tutors_name: Steen, P. van keywords_local: Education keywords_local: UG keywords_local: International keywords_local: Students keywords_local: Mobility language_iso: en titleorder: Evaluation of the educational experience by international students at the University of Groningen dbi: 5c76523e9b26e imported_item: yes date_of_import: 2020-04-22 imported_from: http://scripties.frw.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/root/ba/SGP/2019/jklooster/ import_source_file: theses-frw-20200422132455-5c76523e9b26e.xml date_issued: 2019-01-01 citation: Klooster, J. (2019) The evaluation of the educational experience by international students at the University of Groningen. Bachelor thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/861/1/Eindversie_Thesis.docx