%A Lara Bister %T Maternity leave durations and the relevance of selection: A demographic approach to maternal health outcomes after maternity leave for first-time mothers in Germany %X The thesis assess the effect of different maternity leave durations on post-leave mothers' health performances. Administrative panel data from the German Pension Insurance on 4,237 first-time mothers is used. The results show that the probabilities of becoming sick increase with the duration of the maternity leave. When differentiating between characteristics of women, high-income- and poor-health- mothers show higher probabilities of sickness increasing with the maternity leave length. Average- and reduced working hours-mothers show lower and more stable probabilities of sickness across the leave durations. Also, sickness probabilities seem to increase over time for only long-leave mothers. A selection effect of maternity leave durations on mothers’ health outcomes can be concluded. %D 2019 %L theses_frw92