%D 2019 %X This research aims to gain more insight into the group of rural young adults born in the municipalities of Berkelland and Haaksbergen and measure the effect of social and physical place attachment and relevant external factors on their willingness to return to the home region. To answer this research question a quantitative research method has been applied. The data is collected through a questionnaire. Furthermore, an ordinal regression analysis is executed to analyse which factors influence the intention to migrate back towards the home region. The results from this research present three major findings. The factor individual place attachment shows the most social place attachment impact on return migration. Accordingly, leisure services influences return migration from a physical place attachment perspective. Lastly, the factor finding a job has a positive influence as external factor. %L theses_frw928 %A J.F.M. Michorius %T The influence of place attachment on return migration towards rural areas