%D 2012 %L theses_frw941 %A P. Nowak %X In this research, the view of eco tourists concerning renewable energy self sufficiency (RESS) at a nature-based vacation destination will be explored. Ameland, a highly tourist dependent Dutch Wadden Island functions as a case study. An analytical survey was used to explore the sentiments of the eco tourists, and the extent in which they can function as opinion leaders, including the NEP Scale, the GEB Scale and the Place Attachment Scale. Those scales were used to analyze the relation between attitude, behavior and place attachment and the sentiment towards changes on the Wadden Island Ameland to convert it to energy self sufficiency. It becomes apparent that attitude and behavior are on the one hand highly correlating and on the other hand predict both the tourists’ sentiment towards RESS significantly. Place Identity and Nature Bonding, did also have a positive (Nature Bonding) and negative (Place Identity) effect on the RESS. %T Sustainable Energy on Ameland? Eco-tourists' view on Energy Self-Sufficiency